NES Health is the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When this field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems begin to develop symptoms, imbalances or dis-eases. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring health.
The NES Health system involves:
Assessing - Voice or Body-field scanning technology provides you with a holistic wellness report in seconds. The scan’s bioenergetic matching process shows a correlation to known and potentially unknown health concerns. This approach looks for the primary underlying problem in order to balance health concerns at their origin.
Rejuvenation – By working together in-person, my service includes the use of the exciting NES miHealth device. This unique device uses PEMF technology with NES Health’s proprietary field correction signals. This uses real-time biofeedback to give your body exactly what it needs. This can yield a lot of fast results clearing away energy blocks and beginning to rejuvenate your bioenergetic field before you leave the office.
Restoring – Infoceuticals, help to optimize the body-field’s energy levels and information flow so that proper communication can be restored. A healthy body is all about proper flow of energy and flawless communication. These frequency based remedies are miracles in a bottle.

NES Scan Analysis works For Pets too!
When your pets need a voice for their health…
One of the most special features about the NES Bioenergetic Body Field Scanning, is that it allows us (Humans) a pathway of communication to understand our Best Friends (Our pets; Dogs, Cats, Horses, other animals too) at a deeper level. It provides a complete assessment of the animal’s body field within seconds. This is a window into what the animal cannot put into language for our understanding and improvement of care. This fills the communication gap in order to begin identifying the underlying problem(s) and move towards restoring balance.