Usui Reiki Level Two



Reiki is Energy Medicine. When we understand that energy medicine is the belief that disease of the physical body is a reflection of imbalances in the energetic body, and that these imbalances are often the result of unresolved emotional issues or traumas. 

We can accept that emotional/energetic imbalances left unresolved, remain trapped in a personā€™s energy field. Eventually, they manifest as physical or psychiatric diseases. When the energy in the body is balanced, the energetic cause of the disease is removed and the physical body will often return to its normal function.

Though Reiki is as capable of healing a broken heart as it is a broken foot, it is not simply a substitute for Naturopathic or pharmaceutical assistance, but it is a great assistance to healing the whole-person

Reiki Level One is a prerequisite to this course.


After incorporating Reiki into your world, witnessing the undeniable results, feeling more clear, more calm, more connected, more aligned, more YOU. . .

Divine Guidance will encourage you to seek more, to expand and to grow. 

You feel confident and ready to enhance your connection to the spiritual realm and develop your intuition. 

Are you Ready to Share your gifts with your Community?

I am honored to hold space for your expansion.

This two Day Sacred Experience is the most proficient in-person Reiki Training in Michigan 


It incorporates education through practical exploration of the Energy Body through .  . .

  • Connection to a Reiki Community 

  • Complete Handbook (20pgs) containing all the information you will need to integrate Reiki Level Two into your world

  • Four Attunements to connect & integrate each individual to the Sacred Reiki Symbols 

  • Learning how to maneuver simplistically through the Reiki Client Treatment Protocol

  • Practical use of the First Three Reiki symbols 

  • Integration of advanced meditation practices 

  • Discussion & Practice of implementing a stone/crystal Reiki Grid

    • *The option of purchasing a Reiki Crystal Set for Beginning your Reiki Grid

  • An opportunity to meet your Reiki Spirit Guide, Guiding Totem and Higher Self

  • Understanding of Distance Reiki & Practice

  • Reiki Level Two Certification with Master Teacher Seal

  • This class is a prerequisite before taking Reiki Level 3, Master Practitioner Training.

Reiki Level One is a prerequisite to this course.


  • Reiki Level One is a prerequisite to this course.
    Sign Up For Level One Here

    This class is a prerequisite before taking Reiki Level 3, Master Practitioner Training.

  • This certification is held two times yearly.

  • Level Two, will be a two-day, 12hr course.

  • This class will be limited to 10 people.

Usui Reiki

Level Two

- Reserve your Sacred Space Here -